Saturday, December 5, 2009

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Single Leg Stiff Deadlift Demo - Personal Training Melbourne - TK Bands . Mr. Inta-Fitness demos a single leg stiff deadlift. This is 40 kg in total including the bar.

This is a glute/hamstring exercise primarily but the lower back, core, calfs, ankle and foot feel the pain too :-) This was the last exercise for the day so I'm a bit tired (that's my excuse). This is very tough but if you can master it - you need not waste your time with pathetic leg curls for hamstrings which are not functional and engage few other muscles. The trick with this one is to keep a slight bend in the planted knee and drop the hips back slightly as you lower yourself to the ground keeping the back straight & not rounding the shoulders - also try to keep your weight on the heel of the planted foot and not on the ball/toes.

Barbell Deadlifts Demo - Personal Trainer Melbourne TK Waistband . Right, this is more of a demonstration of what not to do. My ego was bigger here than my ability and the technique is very poor on most of the reps! This is 120 kg deadlift. As you can see I have too much flexion through the hips and I am leaning forward as I lift when I should be keeping a straight back. This could cause injury and is highly discouraged and I recommend you do not lift like this! Basically it means the weight is too heavy and I should have gone down in weight to get the proper form. Next time I will record a video of the way it should be done and I will add it here.

The reason I kept going with this is that my back felt ok and and I was bracing my core 100 % before every lift - otherwise I could have injured myself. Also, I wear the TK waistband (black band around my waist) which provides heat to my lower back and core and really helps protect this area and when I wear this my lower back feels safe (even though in this video it looks like it is in danger).

TK Waistband - Burns Stubborn Stomach Fat & Acts As A Waist & Lower Back Support Belt!

The TK waistband is also used as a fat loss aid as it has a great thermogenic effect around the midsection thus encouraging fat loss from area.

Check it out here if you like:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Handstand Push-Ups demo with static hold to finish. Personal Trainer Melbourne . Mr. Inta-Fitness demos handstand push-ups (cheating slightly as my feet rest against the wall).

I love this for shoulders but it does cause a spike in blood pressure due to the fact that I am upside down and contracting muscles :-) So, not recommended for beginners.. Also, there is a risk that you could fall on your head & hurt your neck so be careful & learn how to roll out of this if your muscles fail.

Check out the online store:

Friday, November 28, 2008

TK Bands Knee Support Demo 1 - Single Leg Squat Mr. Inta-Fitness demos the TK Bands Knee & Elbow Supports for weight training. Check them out here:

These awesome knee & elbow supports keep the joints warm & supported. This improves circulation & blood flow which helps the joint move smoothly and prevents injury. They also cure tendonitis as it is lack of blood flow that causes such a delay with the healing of overuse injuries. I have personally used them to cure elbow & knee tendonitis!

Get yours now in our online store an say goodbye to knee pain for good!

1 Ton Hook Weight Lifting Hooks Barbell Shrug Demo . Mr. Inta-Fitness demos the amazing 1 Ton Hook weight lifting hooks. Here I am doing a barbell shrug for a total of 115kg (bar included). These hooks rock!

100 % Money Back Satistaction Gaurantee!

These hooks completely prevent forearm fatigue & grip failure so that you can concentrate on working your back & keep hold of the bar! They are better than any strap I hve ever used and they will last a lifetime.

Get yours now in our online store & get ready for great results!

1 Ton Hook Weight Lifting Hooks Barbell Shrug Demo 2 . Mr. Inta-Fitness demos the amazing 1 Ton Hook weight lifting hooks. Here is the front view of a barbell shrug for a total of 120kg (bar included). These hooks rock!

100 % Money Back Satisfaction Gaurantee!

These hooks completely prevent forearm fatigue & grip failure so that you can concentrate on working your back & keep hold of the bar! They are better than any strap I have ever used and they will last a lifetime.

Get yours now in our online store!